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The Source of DC Cooling Fan Noise and Its Impact at Low Temperature

The Source of DC Cooling Fan Noise and Its Impact at Low Temperature

1. The source of DC cooling fan noise

We all know that when the DC cooling fan is running, the fan blades move in a circular motion, and the tangent between the fan blades and the air circle causes the fresh air volume and also causes a certain amount of noise.

The size of the noise caused is related to the structure of the fan blades and the speed ratio of the DC cooling fan blades. The noise caused by the fan blades with different deflection radians is different. When the air volume can meet the required cooling requirements, select the low The electronic cooling fan of the speed ratio can reduce the noise.

Fan blades affect the size of the noise. One basic element is the stability and balance of the fan blades. When the stability and balance of the fan blades reach a high level, the effect on the circular motion of the fan blades is minimal. When the stability and balance are not good, the fan blades It will vibrate slightly, and its frequency will increase with the increase of the use time of the electronic cooling fan, so the noise will also increase.

The balance of the fan blades of the DC cooling fan can be adjusted by professional stable balance equipment.

The key factors affecting the noise of the DC cooling fan are: poor coaxiality of the fan bearing group, abnormal noise of the steel balls of the ball bearing cooling fan, reduced oil content of the oil bearing cooling fan, and dirt inside the DC cooling fan.

In general, let us understand the key factors that affect the noise of the computer case fan: the fan's own structure and the application in the middle and late stages. If the two must be replaced, you need to find a manufacturer to solve the parts. The latter solution is to pay attention to the key points of maintenance of the DC cooling fan.

2. Will the DC cooling fan be affected at low temperatures?

The natural environment of the commonly used DC cooling fans is all high-temperature natural environments, but some special products must work. In the normal temperature state, can the cooling fan work at normal temperature, such as -20 degrees?

In this case, there are two types of DC cooling fans :

a. General oil shaft DC cooling fan;

b. Ball bearing DC cooling fan.

Under normal circumstances, if the fan with oil-containing bearing is within -10 degrees, it is very likely that there is no way to work, and the lubricating oil is likely to condense.

Ball bearings can still work under normal conditions at room temperature of -20 degrees, but the speed ratio will be lower, and the lower the temperature, the bearing will freeze, freeze, and the shaft will not rotate. At this time, a short circuit will be formed inside the DC cooling fan, the temperature of the motor will rise, the temperature will rise, the ice around the shaft core will melt, and the cooling fan will be able to operate.

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River industrial estate, Hengli town, Dongguan city, Guangdong province, China